Addictions: Alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, internet addiction, sex addiction, shopping addiction
Anxiety Disorders: General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, Phobias and Fears, Fear of Flying, Chronic Worrying, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Public Speaking Anxiety, Test Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Abuse: Emotional, Physical, Sexual Addictions: Substance Abuse, Smoking, Internet, Video Games, Gambling, Shopping, Sexual Alcohol & Drug Use or Abuse: Substance Abuse, Prescription Drug Abuse, ACOA Issues, ALANON issues, Codependence, Enabling Issues, Family Issues
Attention Deficit Disorder: Child ADD, Child ADHD, Adult ADD, Adult ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder, Inattentive Type, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, Combined Type - Attention Deficit Disorder with Inattention and Impulsivity.
Bipolar Disorder: May include a combination of the following: Mania, Depression, Distractibility, Impulsivity, Overspending, Mood Swings, Insomnia and Sleep Deprivation, Irritability, Argumentativeness, School/ Job Difficulties, Restlessness, Racing Thoughts, Flight of Ideas, Inappropriate Behavior, Grandiosity
Child & Adolescent Concerns: ADHD, Learning Problems, Emotional Problems, Behavior Problems, School Problems, Acting Out Behavior, Oppositional and Defiant Behavior, Drug and alcohol Use, Shyness, Lack of Friendships, Parenting, Step-Parenting Issues (disruptive children, oppositional children, defiant children, substance abuse, power struggles, academic problems, school failure, lying or stealing, conflict between children, conflict between parent and child, ill or disabled child, a child with special needs, eating disordered child)
Depression: Major Depression, Sadness, Fatigue, Lethargy, Loss of Energy, Lack of Motivation, Irritability, Anger, Loss of Enjoyment, Lack of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities, Withdrawal, Insomnia or Oversleeping, Weight Loss or Gain, Lowered Motivation, Difficulty Concentrating, Pain
Drug Abuse: Abuse of Drugs, Abuse of Alcohol, Heavy Drinking Binges, Drug Seeking Behavior, Sudden Change in Behavior, Gradually Worsening Grades, Worrisome Friendships
Eating Disorders: Obesity, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating
Family Issues: Parenting Issues, Family Conflict, Conflicting Values, Blended Family, In-law Issues, Family of Origin, Illness, Substance Abuse, Adult-Child Conflict, Step-Parenting Concerns, Divorced Parents Issues
Gambling: IIlegal and Legal Gambling Issues
Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual / Transgender (LGBT) Issues: Lack of Acceptance, Acceptance, Coming Out, Couple Issues, Fidelity, Children
Geriatric Issues: Depression, Lack of Fulfillment, Boredom, Lack of Purpose, Loneliness, Isolation, Abandonment, Loss of Friends, Anxiety, Worry, Loss of Independence, Adult Children, Family Issues, Caretaker Issues, Illness, Alzheimer's, Adult Communities, Assisted Living, Long Term Care,
Grief & Loss: Loss of Loved Ones, Loss of Job, Loss of Family, Loss of Marriage, Death & Dying, Loss of Professional Status and Sense of Purpose, Financial Loss, Loss of Independence
Illness: Adjusting to Illness, Adjusting to Disability, Chronic Pain, Caregiver Stress
Infertility: Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Sadness, Disappointment Marriage & Relationship Issues: Communication Problems, Loss of Love, Lack of Affection, Conflicts, Anger, Jealousy, Conflicting Values, Conflicting Religious Values, Sexual Difficulties, Lack of Sexual Desire, Pre-marital Issues, Separation, Divorce, Parenting Style Differences, Step-Parenting Issues, Fidelity, Mid-Life Crises, Relationship Enhancement, Rebuilding Trust, Improving Communication
Men's Issues: Self-Esteem, Work Stress, Career Issues, Success, Financial Stress, Relationship Issues, Sexual Concerns, Fatherhood, Infertility, Impotence, Role Issues
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Senseless Repetitive Behavior, Excessive Time Wasting behavior, Chronic Worry, Repetitive Intrusive Negative Thoughts
Personal Concerns: Low Self-esteem, Lack of Assertiveness, Shyness, Anger, Loneliness, Lack of Friendships, Guilt, Jealousy, Mid-Life Crises, Feelings of Rejection, Obsessive Love, Weight and Obesity issues, Habits including Smoking and Gambling (see addictions)
Personality Disorders: Dependent, Narcissistic, Avoidant, Histrionic, Paranoid, Borderline, Others
Physical Conditions: Adjusting to Illness, Adjusting to Disability, Chronic Pain, Caregiver Issues
Sexual Issues: Lack of Sexual Desire, Impotence, Premature or Retarded Ejaculation, Inorgasmia
Stress: Care-Giver Stress, Job Stress, School Stress, Relationship Stress, Separation & Divorce, Life Changes
Tourette's and Tics: Self-Esteem, Caregiver Issues, School and Work Issues, possible OCD, ADHD
Women's Issues: Role Issues, Career, Fear of Success, Motherhood, Infertility, Dependence vs Independence, Menopause, PMS